16 November 2006

F^ckwit b*stard incompetent twats...

So i got about 2 hours sleep last night, revision running through my mind in little lines of code creating SQL Assemblys and Stored Procedures, I chewed off all my nails, and woke up at 7am this morning looking like a character out of Shaun of the Dead.

I drove nervously to the Prometric Test Centre, sat down with the IT-illiterate adjudicator and began the sample test that they make you do at the beginning to ensure you know how to use the system. 3 minutes later the machine crashed. In came the adjudicator who decides it would be a good idea to reboot the machine and start again. He couldn’t actually say this by then as another candidate had arrived and was happily tucking into a driving theory test on the machine next to me. So everything was said in a mixture of sign language, body language and poorly-written handwriting, all while i started to seethe at the injustice of it all...

Half an hour later and we are still there, as the machine decided that im already taking a test on one of the other machines so wont let me take another. I start to cry silently, and the adjudicator suggests it might be better if i come back another day. Another half an hour later and Prometric kindly inform me that i have to pay for the exam again as i was rescheduling it. 80 quid that exam cost me not to take!!!! The ironic thing is that if I had failed I would get one free re-take.

However, after a lot of swearing from myself and my new best friend Ken-the-adjudicator, we talked them into re-scheduling it for free next Thursday at 7.30am. Positive point: more revision time. Negative point: no beers for me tonight...