20 September 2006

10 Degrees of Seperation

Today, a small experiment to see just how small the world of blogging is. I set myself the task to find 10 new blogs, purely by linking from one to the next.

I started with 'Tabilda's Technical Exploration' giving this site a mere nine and a half out of ten for effort thereby proving that i am not entirely biased !

Next I linkied from here to 'Scaryduck'. Where have you been if you haven’t heard of this one (answers on a postcard please)? Scary made the art of blog popular after winning the first Telegraph blogging competition. He is very witty, has something to say about everything and has even been known to post decent images on B3ta but unfortunately is not nearly as good-looking as i thought he would be!

From the yellow one i found a link to 'A Policeman’s Blog'. This confirmed exactly what I had suspected all along, coppers should be avoided for the reason that they do in fact think exactly like everyone else, they are just meant to behave themselves more - a good read...

From coppers to 'Dispatches from the Norfolk Village Frontline'. The author, JohnnyB, once beat Frank Skinner in a karaoke competition and would like Brad Pitt to play him when his tales of mirth and woe are made into a film, which probably wont be long.

Next, onto 'Smaller Than Life' - like life only slightly less so... Salvadore Vincent writes for TV, Radio and newspapers so always has something interesting to say. He thinks he’s funny, he would be right.

We interrupt this 95% text posting to bring you some fluffiness:

This is Mango and Pingu (you work out which one is which) - their favourite blog is 'Stuff on My Cat' read and enjoy ;-)

And so onto something much more interesting (and saucy) - 'Girl With a One-Track Mind'. This girl is becoming nearly as famous as 'Belle De Jour' which means a book deal is sure to follow! Catch her quickly before she becomes too busy opening the 427th UK Specsavers to blog...

The sex-obsessed one passed me in the direction of 'A beautiful Revolution' This is my favourite for the drawings alone, very funny although he has a tendency to get depressed, awe :(

From being emotionally down I linkied to 'Little Red Boat'. A very cheery blog from Anna (London), she reads, writes, sings and can stick her fist in her mouth, respect!

Nearly there, Anna sent me to 'Naked Blog'. This blog is written by a Scotsman and has been going for years so covers virtually everything. No, sorry, its not nearly as rude as the title suggests - worth a read anyhow!

10 (finally)
Damn that naked blogger for sending me back to 'Scaryduck' OK he had other links but this one seemed tidier

So anyway, i have proved not only that there are some fantastically funny blogs out there that i hadnt read yet, but that the blogging world is also surprisingly small. I have also managed to include uniforms, minorities, sex, wildlife, history, sport and lots of nakedness all into one blog! Well done me!!!

Back to technical things in my next post...